The Period Project

By: Eliza of KIS

SDGs: No poverty, Good health and well being, Reduced inequalities
I know it was just a catchy title but the Period Project has had many accomplishments from breaking the stigma surrounding menstruation to collecting 900 pads for girls in need. I started by teaching 6th-grade classes at KIS about menstruation that included both male and female students with the goal of breaking the stigma surrounding periods that is especially high in Korea. My project also included organizing a school-wide pad drive that collected 900 pads and was given to girls in need through "The G Foundation". As well as collecting pads for girls in need the Period Project has also placed menstrual products in the girl's high school bathrooms and refilled them weekly throughout the entire school year.

At first, I wanted to teach at Korean Schools so I called around 3 different schools to ask to teach some classes about menstruation but they all had the same response “We don’t have any of those types of classes here”. I wanted to develop my classes first before I went to a school where sex education was not taught at all. I started to reach out to PE teachers at my class and a 6th grade teacher responded saying that I could teach a class in January. Once I taught that class I started to think about what to work on next.

I started to organize a pad drive but was having trouble getting an organization to take the pads we were going to collect. I found a place called the G Foundation after we had collected the pads that were willing to take the 900 pads we had collected and administer them to girls in need.

Throughout this project I have learned that so much about how much work goes into drives and health courses. I have also learned that there is so much more work to be done.