Zooming in on action, framing innovation and passion, and developing impact.

It is our belief that projects, cycles, and iterative processes should not just end; their end may be the beginning for someone else, somewhere else. We seek to provide students with authentic opportunities to connect with those that share their passions, to learn from each other, and to build their capacity as the leaders of our future. As this Project grows, students, teachers, and institutions have access to an incredible collection of projects, ideas, and reflection. The Snapshots Project is expanding personal and professional networks, empowering student passion, amplifying voice, and growing impact.

Objective one: To bring together and archive all of the innovative, creative, impactful work done by students around the world who are looking to meet needs in their community. Students share snapshots of their work to be read, watched, or listened to by audiences all over the globe in hopes of inspiring others to collaborate or start their own project, broadening their impact.

Objective two: Students who contribute to the Project will have opportunities to participate in virtual and in-person conferences, bringing together some of the most impactful and inspiring youth to collaborate, network, and grow together. 

Objective three: The Project, a registered NGO, will take in funding that can then be used to purchase resources to support and grow the impact of student projects all over the world.